How much do you earn?
«Gesprächsstoff« - Topics of conversation on St.Gallen's alleys
Action in the public sphere during 4. Ostschweizer Sozialraumtagung 2014
Do you own this place?
How much do you earn?
Do you acknowledge tramps?
Do you talk to plants?
What is your business here?
Do you know any foreigners?
Are you a culture chap?
Do you like cleaning?
Are you illegal?
Are you solidly united?
Do you help often?
What do you dream about?
How about your moral courage?
Or do you rather look away?
Have you ever been hit?
Are you online right now?
Are you happy with the prices?
Do you love?
Do you have a pet?
Did your grandmother have a tattoo?
Do you like being on the streets?
Did your grandfather turn gay during the war?
Or racist?
Or both?
Are you a shareholder?
Are you corrupt?
How often do you invite street sweepers for coffee?
What about your mother?
Do you like to abstain?
Can you forgive?
Do you like cutlet?
Or are you vegan or organic or fair trade?
Do you spit?
Do you separate?
Do you like noise?
Street festivals?
Drunk people?
Freedom of expression?
Do you go to the theatre?
To concerts?
Are you an art lover?
Are you a woman or a man?
Or neither?
Or still a child?
Do you like soccer?
Do you smoke?
Are you a troublemaker?
Do you sometimes vomit on the street?
Go ahead and gripe!